Follow these steps to retrieve your Private Key.
Your private key can be used to restore your wallet and NLC2 coins if you ever need to.
View our tutorial video here:
1. Unlock your wallet if it is encrypted and locked. Click Settings - Unlock Wallet
Make sure you have For staking only Unchecked
2. Click - Receive Coins - and select your Wallet and Click - Copy Address
3. Click - Help - Debug Console
4. Click - Console
5. Then type in the Console the command
dumpprivkey "YourNLC2WalletAddress"
Replace "YourNLC2WalletAddress" with your public wallet address that you copied from the receive coins tab
you can paste in your NLC2Wallet Address we copied earlier using Ctrl V - or Cmd V - or right click paste
And hit the Enter key to run the command
6. Write down the private key on paper and store it safely. Do not let anyone else see this key as they could potentially take your coins if they have access to your private key.
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