You can now Purchase NLC2 directly with Visa, MasterCard and Alipay. click here to learn how:
NLC2 is currently traded with Bitcoin on a number of cryptocurrency exchanges such as Yobit, Cryptopia, CoinExchange and C-Cex. On major gateway exchanges such as Gemini, Kraken and Coinbase, fiat currency (USD) can be used via a bank account or credit card to buy Bitcoin, which can be exchanged for NLC2 on one of the aforementioned exchanges.
We recommend to buy NLC2 on Cryptopia or Yobit by exchanging bitcoin for NLC2. You must buy Bitcoin first from an exchange like Coinbase and then transfer it to an exchange like Yobit to purchase NLC2.
You can view a list of all the exchanges where you can buy NLC2 here:
This video shows how to buy NLC2 on another exchange C-Cex
We are always looking to work with larger exchanges to get NLC2 listed on exchanges with larger volumes. Having NLC2 on more exchanges is a crucial part of our long term strategy and goals, more updates on this will be released soon.
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