The wallet will always say out of sync the first time you open it, as it has to download the blockchain.
This process can take up to 4 hours or so depending on your internet speed and number of connections to our network, so please be patient.
You can put your mouse over the bars icon to see the number of connections you have and the refresh icon to check the download status of the blockchain files before the wallet fully syncs.
If you already sent NLC2 coins to the wallet before it syncs that is fine, the coins will show up in your wallet once the wallet finishes syncing.
If you get no connections to the network please ensure you have no anti virus or firewall blocking the wallet from running.
Also please ensure you are not using a VPN or Proxy as this can cause you to not get any active connections to the network.
If your wallet is not syncing and in your debug.log file, you see all "connection refused" logs, if means that your OS, firewall or network is blocking connections to other nodes in the network.
You can find your debug log file by clicking - Help - Debug Console - Debug Log File Open
To confirm this you can use the following commands in your OS:
6521 is NLC2 wallet's network listening port
For Mac:
In your terminal, type
`lsof -n -iTCP:651 | grep LISTEN`
and it will show you if your wallet is listening on the port 6521.
For Windows:
In your CMD(command prompt)
netstat -na | find "6521"
and it will show you if your wallet is listening on the port 6521.
If it outputs nothing, than it means that the port is being blocked on your system.
Some possible workarounds could be:
* Switching to a different network
* Turning off your firewall
* Allowing wallet to bypass the firewall
* Backing up your wallet and staking on a different machine/system
To learn more about the wallet you can view this staking and wallet tutorial here:
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